On the Reserve, we see many animals come and go.
Whether it’s a breeding elephant herd roaming on the hills in the distance for a day or two, or birds sitting on the deck, flying to and fro.
Wildlife on the Reserve move as they please.
Some of the animals find their way into our hearts, gaining nicknames along the way. You’ll know the ones – Houdini, the elusive cheetah, BFE the large, one-tusked bull elephant…
While others are nameless, their faces, habits and mannerisms are unique. Every Guide and Guest who comes into contact with them can tell you a story. This is why the loss of any significant animal brings grief to all those who knew them.
Recently, our Guides experienced a tremendous loss. Tswalu, one of our beautiful lionesses, passed away from unknown reasons. We believe she may have come into conflict with another lioness on the Reserve, or a herd of buffalo.
In nature, every change is an opportunity for the growth of something new – although we are saddened by the death of such a beautiful creature, this gives opportunity for shy, less aggressive leopards to enter her territory and thrive.
For those who were lucky enough to see Tswalu, she will live on in our memories, and through the cubs she left behind, on the Nambiti Big 5 Reserve, for us to marvel at.
If you have any memories or photos of Tswalu that you’d like to share, please send them to marketing@nambitihills.com