Annually every 4th of October World Animal Day is celebrated. The message to everyone, on this day is simple, yet vital: to help make this world a sustainable and fertile place for all animals. Each and every one of us can make a difference! We at Nambiti Hills, urge you all to get involved and show your care and concern for the future of all animals.

At Nambiti Hills, we think every day should be about animal awareness. It’s no secret that the lives of animals, both domestic and wild, are hugely affected by our simple, and sometimes selfish human actions. Whether it be the development of towns and cities, agriculture and farming or even hunting; we need to be conscious of the fact that what we do can affect the helpless lives of others. Hence the reason for a day dedicated solely to the well-being of animals.

There are other days linked to animals, such as World Wildlife Day on the 3rd of March – but World Animal Day gives us an opportunity to embrace ALL animals and their unique concerns, in every corner of the world. So whether you’re hosting a rally or a fundraiser to create awareness or raise money, or simply paying extra attention to your pets; the 4th of October is the day to do it on. But then again, we should be doing that every day!

With 20 Elephants, over 300 Zebra, more than 1000 Wildebeest, 7 Leopard, over 800 Kudu and Eland and numerous birds and smaller animals… our wildlife are our daily priority, our pride and glory. Everything we do is with them in mind. Their health, their well-being, their peaceful existence on this beautiful landscape. It’s what makes our “jobs” so rewarding. And that we get to share it with like-minded guests on a daily basis… well, that’s first prize!

So in honour of World Animal Day, we will continue to do as we do every day; love, appreciate and respect not only the beautiful wildlife that graces our reserve but all the animals out there that have a special place in the world. We hope that you will do the same.

Here’s to all the animals, big and small!
Ranger Iris.

Photographer: Iris Thiriaux

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