Nambiti Hills Private Game Experience has the privilege of being surrounded by a pristine piece of relatively untouched South African bush, inhabited by amazing wildlife. But with this privilege comes a responsibly to preserve and protect it. And although this task is not always easy or straight forward, it is obvious and clear. 

Do you find that you, as an individual, often want to help, to make a difference, but just don’t know how? That you cannot find a practical list of ways in which you can help, that seems sufficiently worthwhile to actually make a difference? Or, that it seems like the only way you could make a significant contribution would be to abandon everything to rededicate yourself to saving the planet?

Well, firstly, the problem isn’t out there somewhere far away. You do not have to fly to the other side of the globe to find an environmental need. It’s all around you. Right outside your front door. And it’s the small things that create a ripple effect. If just a few people took responsibility for, and concentrated on, their immediate environment, their area, their ‘home’ on our planet; it would be enough to save it. 

And secondly… below is an excellent list from the World Wildlife Day team that not only suggests some great practical AND doable ideas, but also shows you that you do not have to radically change your whole lifestyle to do good, all you need to do is little by little to re-think old habits or actions and adopt new worthy ones.  

Everyday Wildlife Protection List

Set a Goal – Live your daily life with the smallest negative impact on the environment, wildlife, their habitats, or the planet’s biodiversity.

Mobilize – Encourage local schools, clubs, governments and businesses to discuss wildlife conservation and what you and your community can do to help.

Visit – Visit your local wildlife park, museum, botanical gardens or national park. Conservation is a way in which many of these institutes help animals and the environment. Many have specific programs or centres that work to preserve and protect endangered species.

Holidays – Research holiday destinations and countries that work hard to protect wildlife and habitats.

Consume Responsibly – By not purchasing products made from illegally sourced protected wildlife or their parts and products, you can stop wildlife trafficking from being a profitable enterprise. More information can be found through your national or local wildlife authorities or the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species or Wild fauna and Flora

Volunteer – We cannot always give money, but we can donate our time. Often wildlife organisations have volunteer programs. You could also help clean beaches, rescue wild animals or teach tourists about your local habitat.

Stay informed – Learn more about our planet’s flora and fauna, including those that are in danger of extinction. Research ways that you or your community can conserve and protect wildlife. Inform yourself on current environmental matters and be aware of your individual impact on ecosystems and wildlife. Think globally, act locally.

Speak up – Share your knowledge, passion and questions about wildlife conservation with your friends, family and community – either in person or online.

Reach out – inform authorities if you have information on illegal logging, fishing and wildlife trafficking; whistle-blowers play a critical role in detecting wildlife crimes and holding criminal smugglers accountable. 

The threats weighing on wildlife are often large and complex, so much so individuals feel powerless to do anything about them. However, every person’s small actions add up to a much larger solution and can be the difference between a species surviving or disappearing forever.

Wildlife conservation is an issue that needs attention every day.
Just #DoOneThingToday, every day, to make a difference and help wildlife conservation.